Sistem Penapisan Air Dengan Teknologi NANO
We have proven that the filtered water from the Bio Aura Hi-Tech Water System can cure wounds caused by acute diabetes. Within the last 10 years of marketing this Malaysian-made product, we have recorded numerous testimonies of diabetic sufferers who had recovered from their diabetic wounds and avoided amputations. There were, of course, some instances where some sufferers had turned from bad to worse. On investigation, we found out that these people had not followed our instructions fully. They did not follow our instructions to the words.
Incorporating Nano Technology synergies the functionalities
Implikasikan Teknologi NANO untuk mencapai fungi membersih, mengalkali dan memberi tenaga dalam sistem.
* high oxygen contents, promotes the growth of body cell.
Membekalkan kandungan oksigen yang tinggi, menggalakkan
penumbuhan sel baru dalam badan.
RM 2080.00
*small cluster water molecules to facilitate prompt nutrient absorbtion Molekul air yang lebih kecil, memudahkan penyerapan nutrien dalam badan.
*Provides minerals and nutrients for the body.
Membekal bahan-bahan mineral dan nutrien untuk keperluan tubuh badan.
* eliminates toxin, bacteria, chlorine and heavy metals for safe drinking water.
Menghapuskan unsur-unsur toksin, bakteria, klorin, dan logam berat supaya air selamat
* remove unpleasant odour and smell.
Menghilangkan bau yang tidak menyenangkan.
* neutralizes acidity in our body to attain an alkaline pH.
Membekalkan PH air yang cenderung kepada beralkali yang setara dengan keperluan badan.
Its Characteristics:
* user friendly in design.
Rekaan yang mesra penyelenggaraan.
* Easy installation equipped with additional accessories.
Pemasangan yang senang dengan alat ganti.
* Colour filters for easy reference with no confusion.
Penutup penapis yang bewarna demi kemudahan perbezaan pengguna.
* bigger filters in size to maximum contents.
Saiz penapis yang lebih besar, bekalan kandungan yang lebih tinggi.
* can be installed anywhere.
sesuai dipasang dimana-mana saja.
* world quality recognition.
Pengiktirafan bertaraf dunia.
The body contains 70%water.
Reports of the negative effects of contaminated water in the media.
Reports of the negative effects of contaminated water in the media.
How a contaminated / corroded pipe look like
One year warranty and low maintainance
High in alkali (pH)
Recognised Internationally
Halal Certification
Method of cure used - immerse wound in BBA water not less than 30 minutes daily Rendam luka dalam air BBA selama tidak kurang 30 minit setiap hari.
Marked improvement after 4 months of treatment with Bio Aura water. Method - soak the affected part in the Bio Aura water for at least 30 minutes daily.
Avoided amputation. Improvement after 4 months of treatment by soaking the affected parts for at least 30 minutes per session in the BBA water.
En. Sitam was to have undergone amputation when we found him. After 4 months of treatment new cells grew on his affected foot. We saved his left foot.
The affected armpit saw a marked improvement after 2 weeks of treatment. Method - spray the affected part with the Bio Aura water.
Before and after 6 weeks of treatment
Pak Ahmad, Taman Kaya,
Taiping, Perak.
Pak Ahmad was spending quite a lot of money on his weekly dressing at a local private hospital. It had taken some weeks to convince him and his daughter to try out our Bio Aura water treatment. The reasons for her to initially reject our treatment was obvious - we were not medical doctors and seen as not the experts on medical matters. After weeks of dressing and without any change in the wound, they finally gave in to our appeal.
After the first treatment, the effect was visible - puss was seen in and around the wound. For the first few days, I had to bring the Bio Aura water from my house. After about 4 days, the daughter bought a Bio Aura Water Purification System so that her father, Pak Ahmad, could administer the treatment himself.
The wound was seen to improve daily and by 6 weeks, the result was as in the picture on the right. Today both legs are perfectly normal.
Pak Ahmad was spending quite a lot of money on his weekly dressing at a local private hospital. It had taken some weeks to convince him and his daughter to try out our Bio Aura water treatment. The reasons for her to initially reject our treatment was obvious - we were not medical doctors and seen as not the experts on medical matters. After weeks of dressing and without any change in the wound, they finally gave in to our appeal.
After the first treatment, the effect was visible - puss was seen in and around the wound. For the first few days, I had to bring the Bio Aura water from my house. After about 4 days, the daughter bought a Bio Aura Water Purification System so that her father, Pak Ahmad, could administer the treatment himself.
The wound was seen to improve daily and by 6 weeks, the result was as in the picture on the right. Today both legs are perfectly normal.
Payment by credit cards/online transfers/Western Union accepted.
To order, just fill in the form below and email it to:
sms to 012 2751171
Details required:
State................................. Country...............................
Post Code............................ Tel No...............................
Email Address:..................................
I would like to order...............(qty) BBA. I will be paying with credit card / online transfer / western union transfer.
My credit card details are as :
Card holder's name:..........................................
Card Number (Visa/Master)..............................
Card Issued by (which bank).............................
CVV2 (last 3 digits behind card).........................
Card holder's signatures:...................................
I/C number:...........................................
Card Expiry date.............................
Date of order:.......................
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2. The stockist shall be responsible to ensure that the transaction is transacted by the cardholder bearing in this form and shall indemnify Hai-O at all time.
3. The amount charged which is disclosed herein shall be a conclusive binding evidence of amount payable to Hai-O.
4. Any transaction disclosed in this form shall be irrevocable transaction by the cardholder and/or the stockist.
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